End titles theme: One-trick pony de Bruce Springsteen a 'El lluitador' (The wrestler, 2008, Darren Aronosfky)

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S'acaba la pel·lícula. Fos en negre. Comença a sonar la música. Alguns espectadors s'aixequen i fan ombres sobre els títols de crèdit. Però tu no, tu et quedes assegut, potser amb els ulls aclucats, tot escoltant la música. Tot escoltant el "End titles theme", la cançó que tanca l'experiència fílmica.
I si bé hi ha pel·lícules que escullen qualsevol cançó per tancar-se, qualsevol tema pop de l'artista del moment que ha de permetre augmentar les vendes dels CDs de la banda sonora, altres, per contra, escullen un tema que acabi d'arrodonir-la, que, fins i tot, li afegeixi una mica més de sentit a tot plegat, que sigui la clau per entendre allò que el director pretenia amb la última escena.
En aquesta secció, precisament, busquem recopilar aquestes cançons tan especials, aquelles que realment formen part de la pel·lícula i que no són un afegitó més. 

Just darrera d'una pel·lícula tan fantàstica com és El lluitador (The wrestler, 2008, Darren Aronofsky) calia un llaç que arrodonís la història d'aquest perdedor perseverant, d'aquest intent de pare, intent d'amant, intent de persona que és el Randy "The Ram" Robinson. I el llaç el posà el Bruce Sprinsgteen amb una d'aquelles peces saturades de sentit i d'intenció: One trick pony.

El Marc Hernández, un melòman i cinèfil de primera, ens va passar un comentari del mateix Bruce Springsteen al respecte del tema:

You find your identity in the damage that's been done to you. Your find your identity in wounds and places you've been beaten up, and you turn them into a medal. And it's a very dangerous thing to do.
We all wear the things we survive with some honour. But the honour is in wearing these things but also in transcending. So this is somebody living in the search of that honour.

Have you ever seen a one trick pony in the field so happy and free?
If you've ever seen a one trick pony then you've seen me
Have you ever seen a one-legged dog making his way down the street?
If you've ever seen a one-legged dog then you've seen me

Then you've seen me, I come and stand at every door
Then you've seen me, I always leave with less than I had before
Then you've seen me, bet I can make you smile when the blood, it hits the floor
Tell me, friend, can you ask for anything more?
Tell me can you ask for anything more?

Have you ever seen a scarecrow filled with nothing but dust and wheat?
If you've ever seen that scarecrow then you've seen me
Have you ever seen a one-armed man punching at nothing but the breeze?
If you've ever seen a one-armed man then you've seen me

Then you've seen me, I come and stand at every door
Then you've seen me, I always leave with less than I had before
Then you've seen me, bet I can make you smile when the blood, it hits the floor
Tell me, friend, can you ask for anything more?
Tell me can you ask for anything more?

These things that have comforted me, I drive away
This place that is my home I cannot stay
My only faith's in the broken bones and bruises I display

Have you ever seen a one-legged man trying to dance his way free?
If you've ever seen a one-legged man then you've seen me